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Research Makeovers

Enhance your research skills while learning about beauty topics.


Discover how beauty has evolved over time while exploring library resources. 

Research Tips

When searching for information about the history of beauty, try using a combination of the following search terms. Also, look for advanced search boxes to enter search term combinations and select boolean phrases (AND, OR, NOT). 

  • Beauty
  • History


Search the following databases to find more information about the history of beauty.

Search the following journals to find more information about the history of beauty. 

Search the following websites to find more information about the history of beauty. 

Browse a sample of articles from the SPC library to learn more about the history of beauty.

Browse a sample of videos from the SPC library to learn more about the history of beauty.

For more help, view our collection of tutorials, guides, and other training materials. 

Beauty Tips with Kassie

Bitmoji of Kassie drinking water


My biggest beauty tip is to drink water! I know this is so basic, but you would be surprised what a difference it makes.  The human body is made largely of water, and when you are dehydrated, your lips and skin suffer.


  1. This research guide is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this guide or in the SPC databases.
  2. All quoted descriptions are taken from the corresponding source.