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One Book One College 2015- 2016: I Am Malala: Related Community Events

Area Events

MARCH 7 2016   "Arab Voices:  What They Are Saying and Why It Matters"

James Zogby - Founder and President of the Arab American Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based organization serving as the political and policy research arm of the Arab American Community will discuss the recent uprisings across the Arab world and why it is more important than ever to base policy and perception on reality, rather than stereotypes and theories.  Despite increased contact between the West and the Arab world, even top American political leaders have only limited awareness of the realities and complexities faced by their Arab counterparts. Dr. Zogby will share the results of interviews and research that will help us see Arabs clearly, bringing into stark relief the myths, assumptions, and biases that hold us back from understanding this important variety of cultures.

Presented by the Sarasota World Affairs Council.  Program will be held at 6:30 p.m.  at the Mildred Sainer Auditorium on the campus of New College of Florida, 5314 Bay Shore Road.  The lecture is free for the general public, but reservations are suggested.   To RSVP or to inquire about membership, call 941-487-4603 or email