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One Book One College 2015- 2016: I Am Malala: Campus Events


January 2016:

TS Campus:  Wednesday, January 27th, 12:00pm in FA 132 Auditorium. "I Am Malala" - Her Story in PowerPoint Images Presented by Professor Kimberly Felos


February 2016:


March 2016:

TS Campus: Wednesday, March 30th. 12:00pm in FA 132 Auditorium.  He Named Me Malala Documentary film showing.

April 2016:

CL Campus:

Wednesday, April 13th at 9a.m. in SS 125 - He Named Me Malala (Documentary)

Wednesday, April 13th from noon until 2p.m. on the Quad - Overcoming Obstacles Quad Event.  Malala triumphed over what others may have considered insurmountable challenges to continue advocating for the educational rights of women in her country. Learn how you can overcome obstacles and seize opportunities to help others.