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Etched in Sand - Student Responses: Survival Strategies

Siblings Strategies

Siblings Strategies

       There were three strategies Regina and her siblings used to overcome hardship and challenges.  First of all, they learned how to steal food. They would go into groceries store and used a distraction and a look out. For example, if it was summer, they would steal certain food, so that they could put it down their pants. In the winter they learned how to wear puffy coats, and they cut holes in the pockets to stuff food in the lining. Also, they would use another way to get food. By going to a farm and using their dog Pepper as a distraction and act like he got loose. While the others yelled for the dog, the others got the vegetables. In fact, in addition to this, they used to go to the beach, their favorite place to go, and get muscles. Next, they went to a library to occupy themselves. For instance, it was a solace place where they could go and be safe. Also, it provided the same things that the school does, such as the temperature control and clean running water. They had a place to go and not be bothered. Furthermore, they found any highlight books that had a lot of activities to keep them busy, such as Mad-Libs Magazines. They also read different books and learned how to read from their older sister. Last, they made up stories to stay together. For example, their mom was out delivering the bread very early in the morning. In the afternoon they would say she was working in the Deli peeling potatoes for the salad. Also, at night time she was working as a Barmaid. They always made stories any time of the day to do their best to protect themselves. In conclusion, there were three clever strategies Regina and her siblings used to overcome hardship and challenges in their lives to stay together.

Three Ways to Overcome

Three Ways to Overcome

            Normally people learn about positive things, but today Regina Calcaterra’s story inspires people through love, food and fun.  First of all, the love can help with everything.All her siblings were together.  They didn’t want to live with different persons. They fought every day together to find a place to live, so this love had permitted to her be strong with her siblings.  After that, the food is hard to find every day.  When they went to supermarket, they had to find the way to take food. In addition, they put their farm food underground to pick it up later.  Finally, they inspire people through fun in current places. They enjoy playing on the beach. Many people have beautiful beaches, and they never use it.  Also, they used the beach to play on the sand and take shower to keep clean.  In conclusion, through love, food and fun her story can inspire people, and they can overcome difficulties.

Three Strategies to Overcome Hardship

Three Strategies to Overcome Hardship

     Three strategies the author and her siblings used to overcome hardship and challenges were stealing food, trying to be together and going to the library. First of all, they stole food to survive.  For example, they used to go to the market wearing coats and holes in their clothes to put the food in. When they were in farmland, they used their dog to decoy the attention of owners of those farms, so they stole vegetables or other things.  Also, they tried to be together at that time. For instance, they sometimes were separated in different foster homes, so often they were with good foster home parents, but most of the time they were with bad parents. So they made a pact to always say everything was good at home. Furthermore, they used to go to the library. When they were at the library, they felt safe because nobody bother them,and they had clean water and electricity. They spent a lot of time reading books. In conclusion, stealing food, trying to be together and going to library were three strategies that the author and her siblings used to overcome hardship.

Three Strategies to Overcome Hardship

     Regina Calcaterra used three strategies to overcome hardship and challenge in her childhood.  Her first strategy was how to survives, she and her siblings didn’t have their parents at home most of the time, so that was difficult for her and her siblings because there wasn’t any food in the house, Regina and her siblings were forced to survive even though they had their parents alive at that young age. For example, when their wasn’t any food in the house they were forced to steal it from the supermarket or grocery stores. Back then Regina and her siblings didn’t have any choice otherwise they were going to die by not eating. The second of her strategies was when Regina went back to school, and she loved to read books  at the library, one of Regina’s hobbies was reading books, she had a lot of problems with her teachers. For example, the teacher saw some scars on her arm and she didn’t want to say anything about it so the teacher tried to talk with the police, but Regina refused to do it. The last strategy of Regina was to protect her young siblings, her old sisters left the house so she didn’t have any choice other than being in charge of her young siblings, she had to protect them and she had to feed them. For example, when her mom came all drunk to the house, her mother abused on her and her siblings so Regina protected her siblings from her mother. In conclusion, even though she and her siblings were poor, she didn’t go down; Regina Calcaterra used three strategies to overcome hardship and challenge in her childhood