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Etched in Sand - Student Responses: Qualities of Good Parents

Qualities of Good Parents

Qualities Of Good Parents

            There are three qualities or characteristics that good parents should have like communicating, love and patience.  First of all, communicating is very important.  For example, engage in conversation and talking to the children with friendly manner is one of the best qualities every parent should have.  A creative solution to solve the children`s problems can be encouraging them to talk and discuss whatever problem or subject they have.  Second, love is the best quality to make good parents.  Sometimes the best thing parents can give to their children is love and affection through warm words, touches, and hugs.  On the other hand, playing as a team, reading together, or watching TV make the children know and feel how much their parents really love and care about them.  Even when the parents want to correct a child, they should do that with love.  Expressing the love is very important to the children and to their development.  Third, patience is great way for successful parents.  Children are small and inexperienced, so they need parents that have great patience to teach them how to behave.  Also, parents should have positive patience to listen to their child over and over, and they should pay full attention to whatever they say.  In addition, the children like their parents to make them feel important and be serious in what they are talking about, and that needs patience too.  In conclusion, successful and good parents should communicate, be loving and be patient with their children.

Good Parents

Good Parents

       In order to create a happy family, good parents should have patience,be responsible, and be a good role model. First of all, having patience is an important quality. For instance, parents should talk to the kids very  often, so the more parents talk to them the more they will know about their thoughts and feelings. A good moment for a talk could be at dinner or before going to bed. They can have a nice talk by asking about how school is or something like that, but parents  have to be calm and wise. It is very important to talk and not to yell, otherwise parents will not get good comunicationWhen parents yell, it makes the child get angry and frustrated. Next, parents should be responsible. That means they must feed them , and be aware of everything they need. The adults mut be always able to watch the kids in case they get sick. Parents must provide to their family economic stability and take care of them. Finally, the mother and the father should be a good role model. They should be able to teach how to be a hard worker by giving them an example to follow. Also, good parents should teach the kids how to show respect to others. In conclusion, good parents with these three qualities will be able to create a happy family.  

Good Parents

Good Parents

                Good parents should have three important characteristics: affection, patience, and responsibility. First of all, it is very important for every baby have affection. They need to know how important they are for their parents, and they need to feel how much their parents love them. For example, good parents need to give love to their babies. Every baby needs a hug and a kiss every morning when they wake up, and every night before going to bed. Another example of affection is talk to them. All parents must talk with their baby, and explain to them all their questions. Second, good parents must have patience. Good parents should have patience with their baby. For instance, good parents need to teach their children well. They need to teach the baby how to eat and how to brush their teeth. Also good parents need to teach their babies how to put their shoes, and also parents need to explain them how to put their clothes. Another example, good parents need to play with their baby. Good parents need to have time to play with the baby. They are babies, and they need to play since they are small. They need to explain how to use the toys, and how important each toy is. Third, good parents must have responsibility to their baby. Responsibility it is an important characteristic the good parents should have, because it is their responsibility to show the babies what is bad and what is good. For example, good parents need to discipline their baby. Every parent must discipline their baby the best way, to explain how important it is to be a discipline person. They need to explain to the babies everything has a time ,for example,  kids need to know the time for go to school, time to take a shower, time to watch TV, time to go to sleep, etc. Another responsibility is, for example, giving food to them. Every baby must have their meal on time. Parents need to go to school to ask the teacher if everything is fine with the child, and help them with their homework. Also good parents must take care when they are sick, and bring them to the doctor, and give the correct care to them. In conclusion, affection, patience, and responsibility are important characteristics that good parents should have.