"In October 1998 Matthew Shepard was kidnapped, severely beaten and left to die, tied to a fence on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyoming. Five weeks later, Moisés Kaufman and fellow members of the Tectonic Theater Project went to Laramie, and over the course of the next year, conducted more than 200 interviews with people of the town. From these interviews they wrote the play The Laramie Project, a chronicle of the life of the town of Laramie in the year after the murder." (http://www.laramieproject.org/)
A death in Laramie, reimagined as drama.(Tectonic Theater Project, Denver Center Theater Company produce "The Laramie Project," Denver Center for the Performing Arts)(Living Arts Pages) The New York Times, Feb 27, 2000, p.AR10(N) pAR10(L) Author: Janofsky, Michael
"Life in the memory of one who no longer lives": The Laramie Project and the politics of performance.(Critical essay) ANQ, Spring, 2010, Vol.23(2), p.86-95 [Peer Reviewed Journal] Author: Lippert, Leopold
Memory and Matthew Shepard: opposing expressions of public memory in television movies Journal of Communication Inquiry, July, 2007, Vol.31(3), p.222(17) [Peer Reviewed Journal] Author: Lynch, John
Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Company
Source http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/laramie/kaufman.htm
The oral histories linked below were produced for the Wyoming State Archives.
Consider these keywords when searching for more information:
Laramie Project
Moises Kaufman
Matthew Shepard
Aaron James McKinney
Russell A. Henderson
Tectonic Theater
Collective memory
Hate Crime
Matthew Shepard Foundation
Gay Rights
Perspective matters.
How does the viewpoint from which the story is shared impact your thoughts about the town, its people and the events that occured?
How did the media and others frame the event? Was it objective or subjective? How is the framing of an event important?
People view life through the lens of their religious beliefs. How did religious beliefs influence reactions to the community violence that occured?
It is often said that out of tragedy hope is born. Do you agree or disagree?