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Informatics & Clinical Reasoning

NURSING (3874)

Informatics, Computers, and Word Processing

Information and Technology Key Resources

What is biomedical informatics? Here is a great article that explains what biomedical informatics is (and what it is not) by Elmer Bernstam, Jack Smith, & Todd Johnson.

What is informatics? - This is a link to the American Medical Informatics Association site explaining Informatics.

Transforming Nursing through Technology and Informatics - This is the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society position statement on Transforming Nursing through Technology and Informatics.

Introducing Health Informatics - This is a good overview of the informatics role across all healthcare disciplines from NHS.

Word processing tips (Tech Tips for Better Word Processing) - Here are some great tips and tricks for improving your word processing skills from The Subversive Copy Editor.

Featured Presentations

What is Nursing Informatics? Here is a basic overview of the role of the nurse in informatics by Rose Giannini, RN.

Clinical Reasoning and Information Literacy Key Resources

Handout: Welcome to the Library - Information for students taking Informatics & Clinical Reasoning (NUR3874).

Handout: APA Style (7th ed.) Basic Guide - Tips, tricks, and guidelines for APA formatting and citations.

Handout: Research Survival Skills - Learn basic research techniques that can help you overcome common obstacles you might encounter when conducting research.

Copyright and Fair Use Information - This is information from the SPC library on copyright and fair use.