Classifying Quantitative Research Designs: How to tell the difference between Descriptive/Non-experimental, Quasi-experimental and Experimental Studies.
Levels of Evidence: An introduction to the important concept of Level of evidence in EBP.
Understanding Research Study Designs: Information of scientific research design.
The Process of Research: An introduction to research quality and the research process.
The Peer Review Process: This is a three minute video explaining what a peer reviewed article is and why finding them is important.
PICO Question Search Strategy Tutorial for Evidence Based Research
Handout: PICO Search Strategy for Evidence Based Research
Advanced CINAHL Complete Search Example (using key terms/alternative terms/potential search terms from a generative search table)
Locating Scholarly Articles (primary nursing research & literature reviews)
APA Reference Example: Journal Article
Using PICO to Structure your Literature Search: This is a short video that shows you how to use your PICO question to form your search strategy.
How to basic CINAHL search: A basic CINHAL (EBSCOhost) search example.
How to advanced CINAHL search: An advanced CINAHL (EBSCOHost) search example.
Using the Results List: EBSCOhost tutorial.
Reading an Ariticle in EBSCOhost: EBSCOhost tutorial.
PubMed: This is the National Library of Medicines database (MEDLINE) of more than 27 million citations from life science journals. Though most of these are abstracts only, citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and/or the publisher web site.