Fundamental of Qualitative Research Methods: What is Qualitative Research by Leslie Curry, Yale School of Public Health.
Understanding Intention-to-treat: This is a critical concept to understand when appraising the evidence. This is a succinct review.
Using Effect Size—or Why the P Value Is Not Enough: A great review of another critical concept in the proper appraisal of the literature.
The Peer Review Process: This is a three minute video explaining what a peer reviewed article is and why finding them is important.
Battling Bad Science: This is a classic talk from Dr. Ben Goldacre on how to read research literature with a critical eye.
How to use CINAHL to find systematic reviews and meta-analyses
APA Reference Example: Journal Articles
Handout: Meta-Analysis & Meta Synthesis Comparison
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis: Understanding the Best Evidence in Primary Healthcare: This is a great overview article that discusses the basis of meta-analyses
Understanding Funnel Plots in Meta-analyses: Funnel plots are critical to understanding meta-analyses, but often their explanation is dense. Here is a quick explanation that is accessible to everyone
Finding Meta-analyses in CINAHL: This is a short video to specifically help you find Meta-analyses in CINAHL
Finding Meta-analyses in Cochrane: This is a short video to specifically help you find Meta-analyses in the Cochrane Library