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American National Government: Political Philosophy -- A Primer

Allegory of Good and Bad Government




Left -- "Good Government" -- fresco by Ambrogio Lorenzetti


Right -- "Bad Government" -- fresco by Ambrogio Lorenzetti

Aristotle -- Politics

Overview of Aristotle's "Politics" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Plato -- Republic

Overview of Plato's "Republic" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thomas Hobbes -- Leviathan

Overview of Hobbes' "Leviathan" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- The Social Contract

Overview of Rousseau's "The Social Contract" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Alexis de Tocqueville -- Democracy in America

John Locke -- Second Treatise of Government

Overview of Plato's "Second Treatise of Government" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

John Stuart Mill -- On Liberty

Overview of Mills "On Liberty" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- Communist Manifesto

Overview of Marx & Engels "Communist Manifesto" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

John Paul Sartre -- Existentialist Marxism

Sartre's Political Philosophy of Existentialist Marxism from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Friedrich Hayek -- Road to Serfdom

Overview of Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Ayn Rand -- The Objectivist Ethics

Overview of Rand's "The Objectivist Ethics" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Isaiah Berlin -- Two Concepts of Liberty

Overview of Berlin's "Two Concepts of Liberty" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Woodrow Wilson -- Constitutional Government in the United States

Overview of Wilson's Constitutional Government in the United States from Google Books (this site may limit the number of pages that can be viewed.

John Rawls -- Theory of Justice

Overview of Rawls' Theory of Justice from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Susan Moller Okin -- Toward a Humanist Justice

Overview of Okin's Toward a Humanist Justice from Google Books (this site may limit the number of pages that can be viewed.

Hannah Arendt -- The Human Condition

Overview of Arendt's "The Human Condition" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Leo Strauss --

Barry Goldwater -- Conscience of a Conservative

Goldwater's speech "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice" from his 1964 Republican Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech.