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Applied Ethics


Article Critique


You may have an assignment that asks you to critique an article of your choosing using peer-reviewed sources.  A peer-reviewed (or scholarly) source is one that has been written by an expert in their field and reviewed by other experts before publishing.

Step 1

First, select an ethical issue -- just searching the databases for "ethical issue" won't yield useful results. Your instructor should be able to give you some examples, such as euthanasia, pandemic, law enforcement, etc.  Additional ideas can be located using the topics guide.

**Please check your professor's directions and note any topics that you should or should not use**

Step 2

Once you have selected an ethical issue to research, conduct a search using a library database, such as Academic Search Complete.

Step 3

When you access Academic Search Complete, you will see three search boxes.  In the top box you can try a keyword for your ethical issue.  The second box you can try a term such as "ethics" or "morality."  Towards the middle of that screen, you will find a section with a box for "Full Text" and a box for "Scholarly, Peer Reviewed."  Make sure both of those boxes are checked before continuing.  You can also search by specific dates or date range on this screen.

Step 4

To learn more about the Academic Search Complete database, watch the video tutorial. 


Academic Search Complete Database Tutorial