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Brainfuse Online Tutoring Information

Learn how to access and use Brainfuse, SPC's supplemental online tutoring platform

Brainfuse is available for on-demand support during the evening, overnight, and weekends.

Here's how to access and use the system!  

If you have any questions, need additional assistance please contact

Step 1

On your course homepage, select Student Tools 



Step 2

Click on the Library & Tutoring tab.      




Step 3

Click Connect with Tutor on the Brainfuse tile.           






Step 4

If looking to submit an essay for review, then select  Writing Lab >  Submit Paper.  

Please submit each draft only once. Multiple submissions of the same draft will drastically reduce your minutes available and result in no better outcome


Sending Your Document

After choosing submit paper from the writing lab box on the homepage, you will be asked to select the type of work you are submitting.

You will be taken to the Writing Lab form where you will follow the steps to ensure you receive the best feedback possible. The steps are determined based on the type of work you are submitting.

  • Each form includes a comment section where you can include notes that will be helpful for your tutor while reviewing your paper.
  • To send your file to the writing experts, click submit.
  • After submitting, you will receive a message letting you know that your paper will be returned to your Brainfuse message center, usually within one business day.

**Please note, it is our policy to not disclose any personal or confidential information to third parties. This policy notwithstanding, please do not submit any information that is personal and confidential. 


Retrieving and Reviewing Feedback

In your message center, you will see your submissions and feedback from your tutor. The tutor comments and any attached documents appear in the blue area.

At the top of the feedback, you will see the tutor response form which includes an overview and comments about different aspects of writing.

As you scroll through your paper, you will see some specific comments throughout the text in a different color, usually red, for easy review.