eBook Readers Galore by Libraryman on flickr
(Click the link for a nice panorama of readers. Ahhhhh!)
The following files allow Kindle users to access public domain books. Using your Kindle browser: click on a link, download the .mobi and choose titles listed within the file for individual books.
Here are just a few of the many reader devices that WORK with Overdrive Digital Library and EBSCO ebooks and eAudiobooks. Before you buy a reader device, check to see if it is compatible with Adobe Digital Editions DRM.
Here are a few reader devices that DO NOT work with Overdrive Digital Media ebooks. Before you buy a reader device, make certain it is compatible with Adobe Digital Editions DRM.
Please look at our "Free Books on the Web" page for alternative format ebooks for these devices. You might also consider downloading an ebook library & conversion utility such as the excellent Calibre in order to convert ebook formats for use on your specific device. NOTE: there is no way to convert Overdrive Digital Library ebooks for use on incompatible devices.