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MLA 9th Edition: Article in a Newspaper or Magazine

Help with formatting an MLA research project, creating a Works Cited page and citing sources in the text.

Print Article (Newspaper or Magazine) Template

Works Cited

Author. “Article Title.” Newspaper/Magazine Title, version (edition),

vol. #, no. #, Publication Date, Page(s).

Print Article (Newspaper or Magazine) -- Citation -- Examples

Works Cited

Als, Hilton. “Dreamgirls.” The New Yorker, vol. 91, no. 42, 4 Jan. 2016,

pp. 80-81.

Arntaenius, Linda. “Merwick Rezoning Pushes Senior Housing

Debate.” Town Topics [Princeton], 21 May 2008, pp. 1+.

Hedegaard, Erik. “The World’s Most Dangerous Woman.” Rolling

Stone, no. 1236, 4 June 2015, pp. 48-53.

Jeromack, Paul. “This Once, a David of the Art World Does Goliath a

Favor.” The New York Times, vol. 151, 13 July 2002, pp. B7+.

Print Article -- In-Text Citation -- Examples

According to Als, "A direct quote from the article" (80).

 "A direct quote from the print article" (Hedegaard 50).


Typically, a paraphrased sentence will have the author's name

and the page number at the end in parentheses (Jeromack 7). This is

another example of a in-text citation for paraphrased information

(Arntaenius 1).