There are many types of academic dishonesty - some are obvious, while some are less obvious.
We will discuss each of these types of academic dishonesty in more detail below. Plagiarism is the most common type of academic dishonesty, and also the easiest type to commit on accident! See the plagiarism page for more info about what plagiarism is and how to avoid it in your work.
Cheating is taking or giving any information or material which will be used to determine academic credit.
Examples of cheating include:
A duplicate submission means a student submits the same paper for two different classes. If a student submits the same paper for two different classes within the same semester, the student must have the permission of both instructors. If a student submits the same paper for two different classes in different semesters, the student must have the permission of their current instructor.
Academic misconduct is the violation of college policies by tampering with grades or by obtaining and/or distributing any part of a test or assignment. For example:
Disruptive behavior is any behavior that interfers with the teaching/learning process. Disruptive bahavior includes: