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Prof. Jackson - POS 2041 - American National Government

Journal 1: Law and Order in Democracy

There are many ways to refine your search terms and improve your results.


Use AND, OR, NOT in Your Search

Add the terms AND, OR, and NOT when you want to link more than one search word together -- or exclude certain words from your search. These are known as Boolean operators.


Shorten Your Search Terms (Truncation)

If you are searching for a word that can be spelled different ways (or if you aren't sure of the spelling) you can "truncate" (shorten) your search term so the system knows to look for multiple version of the word.


Use Quotes to Search for a Phrase

Add quotes around multiple search terms to find results that include a specific phrase. The results will only show items that include the whole phrase.


Search for Items in More Locations

In addition to searching your own local college library, you can also search for items in other libraries. Select "All 28 Colleges" in the drop-down box on the search screen. Once you've found an item you want to check out, you can request that the item be sent to your local library for pick up.


Use Advanced Search

Using the advanced search lets you select search options to create a more specific search.


Choose "Refine My Results" Options in the Results List

When your search results appear, you can narrow your search by selecting results that fit into very specific categories -- just click a link under the Refine My Results section to get started. This is a quick way to find very specific results for your search without having to start your search again


Google Book Search
Google Scholar Search
Google Web Search