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Using the SEEI method helps you create strong, usable components for building a solid essay and for keeping your writing on topic.

Topic Sentences

Topic Sentences.

Body Paragraph #1

STATE a topic sentence for the first body paragraph so that it corresponds with the first prong of your thesis.

Example: Love bears the weight of worry, sickness, and tragedy.  
Note: the first prong of the thesis is used--the ”bear” part--to create the first topic sentence.  Attempt to model this.

ELABORATE on the topic sentence for the first body paragraph.
Example:  In other words, loving relationships not only persist in those feel-good moments but also pluck up support and courage through life’s difficulties. 

Body Paragraph #2

STATE a topic sentence for the second body paragraph so that it corresponds with the second prong of your thesis.  
Example: Beyond bearing the weight of trouble and challenges, love also exists to revel in the hope of things to come.  
Note: the dependent clause that opens this sentence provides a transition from the topic of the previous paragraph
and that the second prong -- the hope part -- appears in this sentence. Attempt to model this.

ELABORATE on the topic sentence for the second body paragraph.
Example:  Looking at things another way, the hope that defines a loving relationship offers optimism and believes in the potential of each person.

Body Paragraph #3

STATE a topic sentence for the third body paragraph so that it corresponds with the third prong of your thesis.
Example: While bearing the weight of things and hoping for the future only speak of instances of love, the final aspect
that defines love is its ability to endure.  
Note: the dependent clause that opens this sentence provides a transition from the topics of paragraphs 1 and 2 and that the third prong -- the endures part -- appears in this sentence. Attempt to model this

ELABORATE on the topic sentence for the third body paragraph.  
Example: To be more explicit, love never dies.